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No. 2 (310) February 2022

  • Ngày 13/04/2022
  • Hit 61
  • Tác giả iwep

– Nguyen Hong Son, Nguyen Manh Hung, Luu The Anh and Nguyen Dinh Minh Anh: Adaptation to Climate Change and Environmental Protection in the Spirit of the XIII National Party Congressional Resolution.

– Pham Van Linh: Building and Completing Effective, Efficient Modern National Governance in Vietnam.

– Ngo Thi My and Nguyen Thi Phuong Hoa: Factors Affecting Vietnam’s Agricultural Exports to Chinese Market.

– Tran Thi Thuy: Cooperation in Tourism between Vietnam and China from 2010 to the Outbreak of the Covid-19 Pandemic.
