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Bài viết tham gia Hội thảo quốc tế về nghiên cứu Đông Nam Á 2017

  • Ngày 21/03/2022
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Consortium for Southeast Asian Studies in Asia (SEASIA) Conference 2017
 Theme: Unity in Diversity: Transgressive Southeast Asia
16-17 December 2017
Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, THAILAND
Chulalongkorn University Conference Committee (CUCC) and the SEASIA Secretariat, Kyoto University Center for Southeast Asian Studies (CSEAS).
Proposal Deadline:
5 October 2016
            The Consortium for Southeast Asian Studies in Asia (SEASIA) was established in October 2013 by ten of the leading area-studies institutions in Northeast and Southeast Asia to promote region-based Southeast Asian studies. The major activity of the Consortium is a biennial conference, the first of which was hosted by Kyoto University on December 12-13, 2015.  The 2015 conference featured 530 participants from 206 institutions in 26 countries.
            Building on the success of the 2015 Conference, Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok, Thailand will host the SEASIA 2017 Conference in collaboration with the SEASIA Secretariat based at the Center for Southeast Asian Studies (CSEAS) of Kyoto University.  The Conference theme is “Unity in Diversity: Transgressive Southeast Asia”.   The organizers encourage submissions of panel proposals or individual presentations on the following sub-themes:
1.            Re-conceptualizing Region in Southeast Asia
2.            New Perspectives on Southeast Asian Pasts
3.            Southeast Asian Circulations: Conjunctures and Disjunctures
4.            Environment and Society
5.            Law and Politics
6.            Innovation, Knowledge Transfer, and Social Transformation
7.            Literature, Film, Media, the Arts and Cultural Studies
8.            Language and Linguistics
9.            Faith, Religion and Philosophy
10.          Humanitarian and Development Work
11.          ASEAN Economies: Challenges and Prospects
Both panel and individual proposal abstracts should be should be submitted via email to using the Application Form which can be downloaded from the Conference webstite: http://www.seasia2017.arts.chula.ac.th .  Please consult the website as a centralized hub for other relevant information, including submission and registration guidelines, details about the conference sub-themes and future announcements from the organizers.
