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Assessing Vietnam’s Progress towards Sustainable Development Goals: A Comprehensive Review

  • Date 12/09/2024
  • Hit 135
  • Author iwep

Ảnh Bìa Kiet
















File books

Publication year: 2024

Number of pages: 262

Team of authors:

Nguyen Hong Thu (Team Leader)

Phi Vinh Tuong

Đong Van Chung

Hoang Thi Hong Minh

Nguyen Thi Hien

Nguyen Tran Minh Tri

As of 2023, Vietnam has made significant progress, reaching the midpoint in its journey to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as outlined in the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. In this context, it is critical to undertake a comprehensive and multidimensional evaluation of Vietnam’s progress in implementing these goals. Such an assessment will not only shed light on the existing challenges and difficulties but also provide the basis for well-informed policy recommendations. These recommendations will play a crucial role in supporting the Vietnamese government’s efforts to maintain the momentum necessary to meet the SDG targets within the designated timeframe.

In alignment with international collaboration efforts and under the sponsorship of the Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP), a specialized research team from the Institute of World Economics and Politics (IWEP), headed by Dr. Nguyen Hong Thu, has produced a detailed report entitled “Assessing Vietnam’s Progress towards Sustainable Development Goals: A Comprehensive Review”.

The report employs a robust methodological approach, combining both qualitative and quantitative techniques, to offer a thorough analysis of Vietnam’s SDG progress. This analysis is conducted at both the national and provincial levels, ensuring a nuanced understanding of the implementation process. Furthermore, the report undertakes a comparative study, positioning Vietnam alongside other Southeast Asian nations, specifically Indonesia, Myanmar, and Laos, to provide broader regional insights. Key lessons are drawn from these comparisons, and actionable policy recommendations will be crafted to assist the Vietnamese government in overcoming identified obstacles.

The report is structured as follows:

  • Chapter 1. Introduction
  • Chapter 2. Socio-Economic Development Plan and Progress of SDGs Implementation in Vietnam
  • Chapter 3. Assessing the Progress of SDGs Implementation in Vietnam and the Factors Affecting the Progress of SDGs Implementation at the Provincial Level
  • Chapter 4. Progress of SDGs Implementation of Some Countries in Southeast Asia
  • Chapter 5. Lessons Learned, Recommendations for Vietnam, and Implications for Korea

This comprehensive report is intended to serve as a valuable resource for stakeholders and scholars interested in sustainable development and Vietnam’s progress. We eagerly welcome feedback and insights from the wider community to further enrich the discourse on this critical global issue.

With our highest regards.
