Factors Affecting Vietnam's Seafood Exports to The CPTPP Member Markets

nguyen tIEN HOANG*





Abstract: By employing a gravity model with panel data of 11 nations over the period of 2011 to 2020, and comparing and choosing Pooled OLS, REM, FEM, and FGLS methods for regression and model estimation, this study sought to identify and quantify the impact of these factors on Vietnam's seafood exports to the markets of CPTPP member countries. The regression results indicate that Vietnam's seafood exports to CPTPP member countries are positively impacted by the GDP of the importing country, the population of Vietnam, the real exchange rate, and FTA participation. Within that case, the population size has the strongest impact, while the real exchange rate also is trivial. Geographical distance, however, hampers and has the opposite effect on Vietnam's seafood exports. The author then makes recommendations for promoting Vietnam's seafood exports to CPTPP participants in the near future.

Key words: Exports of seafood, deciding considerations, CPTPP, Vietnam.